Looks like I'll be back to posting when I can.
I'm actually working a bit more and it takes a lot of time for some days. But at least Hubs is off for a few days each week!

Earlier in the week, I tried to make waffles from scratch and I found a really good recipe too.
I like apples but eventually get bored so I don't buy a lot but Hubs got me a bag and I didn't want them to go to waste. This also gave me the opportunity to make apple cinnamon waffles in my new Mickey Mouse waffle iron (gifted by Hubs).
What do you think?

We were still looking for a little something extra and went to one of my favorite places for coffee (sorry/not sorry Starbucks).
I know we didn't have these in NY but I first tried them here in AZ. It's called The Human Bean. They make teas, smoothies, coffee and other goodies. We decided to get two smoothies - I got the strawberry one and Hubs got the peach mango. Both are super delicious!

And that little bag right there is something I always need to get when I go there. It's their chocolate espresso beans. They will either give you a few with your order or you can buy a bag. Of course I got the bag.

And now that I got all of my gal stuff, I even did a whole co*de!
It felt so good to be whole again. ...I have long since dyed my hair. Still due for a haircut though...
We got some shopping done but not before checking out Gamestop. Of course when I saw this display, I had to get closer. I love plushies - especially Pokemon ones.
By the end of the day, we were hungry and did not feel like rushing home to cook. So we stopped off at Chili's and had some good food. I got the chicken quesadilla and it was super filling.
It's a very wonderful feeling of being able to do different things with someone. I don't think I'll ever wanna do things on my own ever again.
8 件のコメント:
i'm so glad you're settling in and enjoying your new life! <3 OMG those waffles are so adorable, too cute for this world!! And the quesadillas look good too ahaha... maybe I'm just hungry :3
oooh waffles are so good!!!!
Happy to hear that things are going well :) Enjoy your time!!
You seem so happy rn...I am so happy for you!!! <33
♡( ◡‿◡ ) so cuuuute~ I bet those waffles were deeeelicious! You look so good girlie, makeup is poppin'! ♥
- Amiman♥
Awww thank you! You're so sweet!!! ♥ lol I know right? I'm gonna be hungry every time I see this post too XD
Thank you so much, lovey! ♥
I really am! Thank you so much! ♥
Wahhhhhh thank youuuuuu ;o; ♥ Yes, the waffles are so good! I can give you the recipe if you like!