I have been in an LDR relationship for a long time with my fiancé.But I also knew the goal was to move to where he lives because it's just too crazy trying to buy your own place or even rent in NY. A lot of my friends moved out a long while back for mostly the same reasons. So we finally made the date and started planning.
After my bunnies were all settled and safe in our future home, I made plans to get myself out there. I said I wanted to do a cross-country Amtrak train but it was just too much and stressful on my own for 3 days.I was lucky enough to find a non-stop flight and it was waayyyyy cheaper. Hubs had told me that a lot of flights were getting canceled and we think it's mostly due to the pandemic. I was hoping my flight wasn't going to be affected. But...it was.
I was supposed to leave 9/12 in the evening but unfortunately it was canceled right before I was supposed to check in. Luckily the customer service people was able to get me into a flight the next day. So that's what I did.
I thought I was going to be really sad and start crying on the way there but surprisingly I was okay for the most part. It was still bittersweet because I was leaving my own family but I would be joining his. I know I won't disappear on my family and will visit from time to time.And this time I'll have a traveling partner!
We had a small delay getting out of the airport because I guess all of the flights that were canceled from the previous day were also going to be leaving this night.
Then we found out that we had to take a detour because there were storms in surrounding states and lots of turbulence. But we still made it safely and only really delayed by about 15 minutes.
Hubs came and got me at the airport.It felt so great to know that I did not have a return flight this time. We got a quick meal and headed to our hotel for the night before the two hour trip home.
9 件のコメント:
Omggg I'm so glad you got there safe and sound! And I'm so proud of you for making this huge step <3333 Can't wait to hear more about your new life with your fiance! <333
OMG CONGRATS!!!! This made me SO happy. We're also in a long distance relationship and I am really hoping by 2022 that I'll be in Brazil!
*__* I'm so glad everything went well! At the beginning my relationship was also long distance, but we managed to live together a few years later and today we're still together... for more than 10 years! :') so I'm so happy to hear that you're starting a new life with your fiance <3
Congrats on the move!! Delays and cancellations are certainly stressful :o My flight back to Taiwan was also canceled when I arrived. Luckily I had a friend with me and I could stay the night at his place ;-;
Can't wait to see how your new life goes! Long distance relationship is difficult :o but now you can be together!! Super exciting!
Thank you so much!!!! ;o; I really appreciate you talking with me about it too!!!! ♥
Thank you so much!!!! Yes! Do it! It will be so worth it!!!!
Thank you very much! ♥ Ahhh that makes me so happy! Congrats to you as well X3
Thank you very much! Oh man! Glad it worked out for you!!!!
And thank you for always taking the time to comment. I love to hear from you ♥ Thank you for always supporting me.
Thank you very much!!!!! ;o; ♥