
日曜日, 2月 04, 2024

(♪)//347 えええー⌒☆+゚

I'm really sorry about yesterday. 


I had a lot of thoughts in my mind for a long time and just needed to get them out. I was frustrated and just secretly wishing for things to not be this bad. 

長い間、頭の中にたくさんの考えがあったので、それを吐き出す必要がありました。 私はイライラして、事態がこれほど悪くならないことを密かに願っていました。悲しい

At least a blog is a good place to say these kinds of things.




I started posting a bunch of my gyaru brand on Insta. I already got a couple of items sold. I'm hoping for more.

インスタにギャルブランドを大量投稿し始めました。 すでにいくつかの商品が売れました。 もっと期待しています。乙女のトキメキ

I agree that I don't want them to go to donation since they will probably just get lost or underappreciated. But I also have to think of my situation and what I need to do.

私も、彼らに寄付をしてほしくないという意見には同意します。なぜなら、彼らはただ失われるか過小評価されるだけだからです。 しかし、自分の状況と何をする必要があるのかも考えなければなりません。お願い

It's just hard when you feel that the items still won't be appreciated because there is a problem with scalpers. 


In more fun news, I have started going back to super oldschool looks without lashes. It's fun practicing the make looks from older magazines. 

さらに楽しいニュースとして、私はまつげのない超昔ながらのスタイルに戻り始めました。 昔の雑誌のメイクを練習するのは楽しいです。目

I also give my eyes and lashes a break w


What do you think?


I need to find a better liner or setting spray that won't smudge by the end of the day that's also CF.


2 件のコメント:

Sparklewolfie さんのコメント...

Good luck with your IG sales :3 Sucks to hear about scalpers in the community! That does make it discouraging to both buy and sell >_<;;

Looking forward to more makeup looks from you! Do what you enjoy doing 💖💘

キーリん♡ さんのコメント...

@Sparklewolfie Thank you! I had a few but still have plenty lol...
And thank you so much for always being so kind and encouraging! <3