So I just started this series and had to share my thoughts.

Have you ever heard of a series called "My Wife Has No Emotion"(2024)?

I had no idea what to expect from the image but I saw it was a slice of life so I decided to give it a try. I just found the wife's face a little strange. I didn't expect what I actually watched.

It's about a young guy named Takuma who is so busy with his job that he has no time for anything, including a girlfriend or wife. So as one does, he got himself a robot who eventually became his wife. And so far the show has been about them going through daily life together and learning together how to handle things as being a human and a robot.

It was such a huge difference from this much older series called "Chobits" (2000).

When that series was going, society was becoming more painfully aware of what technology was capable of. There were strong messages about how we became more obsessed with computers and phones and less about each other. (Despite all of the ecchi stuff that happens between Hideki and Chi.)そしてこの新しいシリーズ (どうやらまだ続いているようです - 私はCrunchyrollの8話までしか見ていません) は完全に逆のようです。

And this newer series (which apparently is still going - I only got to what Crunchyroll has at 8 episodes) seems to be the complete opposite.

Technology is so intertwined with our lives that it's more acceptable and even possible to have a life being married to a robot like Takuma. Although Hideki is a lot like Takuma in that they both treat all of the robots as humans which do develop some kind of emotions. この投稿は少し重くなってしまい申し訳ありません。

Sorry this post ended up being a bit heavier.
特にアニメについて話しているときはそうですが、比較や24年間で私たちの社会がどのように変化したかを考えるのは興味深いことでした (うわあ!)。

Especially when talking about an anime w but it was just interesting to think about the comparisons and how our society has changed in 24 years (yikes!).
どちらかを読んだり見たりしましたか? どう思いますか?

Have you read or watched either of them? What do you think?
3 件のコメント:
I LOVE Chobits! I think it was a good take on humans x technology
Been ages since I've reread it :3
Omg my husband and i just watched all of this too. New episodes come out on Saturdays! We were expecting it to be funny or like, meme material. But then it turned out to be cute and wholesome xD i really like it so far! It’s such a stress free anime since everyone is nice to each other, lol.
@Sparklewolfie Same here! I might want to reread it again soon!
@Rae Melody Oh I didn't know that! Thanks for letting me know cause I never know how Crunchyroll releases ongoing series XD Yeah I feel like it's def not as meme material as Chobits was XD