Mail is here!
I had been feeling a bit run down due to a few issues so it was time to do some retail therapy w
But I was a little bit disappointed this time.

I really wanted some cute pumps like how a lot of gals wore in the magazines. But the issue is that a lot of the brands they used either lead to dead listings or they get canceled.

So that was the main goal of this order. (Of course as I added more, I realized I really wanted some polka dot pattern stuff.)

And here it is!

Of course there are some gal magazines. I can never pass those up. I also got a dress, capri pants, top, shoes and some lashes.

The shoes are a bit taller than what I was looking for but they're still very cute! I can still walk in them.

But sadly the pants do not fit at all. The listing said they were stretchy! But they are definitely not. I was actually kind of mad about it.

このブログに販売ページを作るつもりです。インスタで販売しようとしていたときと同じルールで、PayPal のみを受け付けます。

Which leads me to my next bit of news!
I'm going to be making a sales page on this blog. It will have the same rules I had when I was trying to sell through my Insta and will take Paypal ONLY.

My blog is really the only place I can think of where it won't be an issue to have my stuff to list. Other sites will constantly have me renew the items or eventually charge me depending on how much I have listed. Plus I get tired of waiting around for someone to find this stuff. So I'm hoping that I will have some luck here.
とにかく、これが私の収穫です! できれば、すぐに別のページを作るかもしれませんw

Anyway, that's my haul! I might be looking to make another one soon if I can w

Until next time!
4 件のコメント:
Hope posting your sale items here work well for you! I will definitely be checking it out~ And omg I've been looking for one of those polka dot dresses with the lace trim. You scored some good stuff!
@黒い Amiman I hope so too. Still trying to get it together cause I might be adding a ton of stuff. Thank you! I don't know why I've been on a polka dot kick recently XD
Everything is so cute! I love ego system so much, getting one of those magazines in the mail is always such a good day!! They really get you in the 2000’s gal spirit <3
As always I will keep an eye out for your sales xD
@Rae Melody Thank you! I absolutely love magazine collecting. My husband is always shocked when he sees another giant pile arrive in the post XD
I really gotta get my butt moving to make my sales page lol I've been so lazy or trying to keep up with things ^^;