I'll have a little more to report on today. So many thoughts and feelings experienced in just a short time!
First, the sad news. I was going to get some more decome for my blog but I just found out that they ended the service at the end of last month! I'm so devastated! I had been collecting for a while but had to stop due to my work hours. And now it's gone before I could even get halfway.
I'm hoping to find a replacement but there are just so few search results and the ones that do pop up want me to pay. Which I don't mind doing but I don't know how easy it is with not being in Japan with a Japanese phone. . .
Is it just me or do search engines really limit to how much we can actually find? I used to find endless pages, by companies and small site owners, for just about anything and now there's just tons of repeats of the same 10 sites.
I really miss the old internet.
少しだけ良いニュース(本当ではないですが)は、リトル ウィッチ アカデミアのアニメを観終わったことです。とても良かったのですが、もっと観たいです!
In slightly better news (not really), I finished Little Witch Academia anime! It was so good but I want more!
But I also learned that the screenwriter that worked on everything that had been animated so far has passed away.
That made me so sad! The work was so amazing. I don't know if they're even going to try to make more anime.
So for now, I'm going to collect the manga to get some of that beautiful artwork. Plus I want to see if it's the same as the anime or if it's different. Because either way I love that series.
I think I mentioned that I had been trying to get into Precure and watching all of the series. But it's hard for me in some of them because I just lose interest? I don't know but I'm still stuck in the very first one and Tropical Rouge. Hopefully watching Witchy Precure (which is what I've been watching recently) will get me back into it.
But so far I'm really loving Witchy! It's super cute and whimsical - just like how I love my Halloween! I hope I can find more series like this.
And my last bit of news, is that Tank and I are going to watch the new Deadpool and Wolverine movie later tonight! He's super excited because he loves the characters and the actors that play them. I'm pretty interested too since I know nothing of how they are in the comics.
But I'll let you know more on that tomorrow!
3 件のコメント:
Websites shutting down is exactly why I made a drive for decome. I could get some really cool mars decome just a few weeks before crooz shut down. But I'm not willing to let keitai culture die completely!!
Aaaah, finally checking blog posts. Thanks for sharing some anime. I'm trying so hard to find something that will keep me interested & I will not abandon it after a few episodes ;-; Gonna give Witchy Precure a try.
@Amyh Swan Yeah....I regret taking so long with searching ;_;
@MεΛ You're welcome! Hope you will like it!