I really wanted to blog yesterday.
But this week was super busy with work.
It was a good busy though!
I think I might be going on my own this coming week.
( As in no training )
Who knows just yet!
Anyway. . .
Yesterday, I had a few errands to run.
But before that, apparently there was a solar eclipse!
This was a special one called
"Ring of Fire".
Check out Hubs' photo he sent me!
It's a rare one where the moon blocks the sun.
But it does leave a ring of light!
We didn't get to see the actual ring.
I think other states did.
But it was still cool to see!
Everything but where the light was was dark.
I do admit it felt weird and spooky.
Maybe cause it was after Friday 13th.
But after, I felt better than before.
Maybe like a recharge?
I always joke I get my energy from the sun
Not long after, I went out to do what I needed.
Also took a quick break into Ross.
We really are going back to the 90s XD

How did you spend your day?

1 件のコメント:
Ooh that's cool you got to see the eclipse!
Those boots look awesome~ I want them
I spent the weekend running around with friends so I was so tired!