Not much of an update for recent days since last post.
And I didn't blog as much as I wanted to.
Ummm. . . I'm still job hunting. This town really sucks for jobs that I can do. Everything around here is for people way stronger than me or retail. And the limited amount of shops we have are meh and low pay. I'm getting kinda' worried that I'm almost out of funds.
Unless some miracle happens, I don't think I'll make it out of the hole this time.
Directing the other way (before I get too bad on here), I'm slowly getting back into Aina mode.
I already started working my hair but to get it the way I need to, I'll def need to get to the salon. Maybe if I get a job, I can do just that.

We have to go food shopping when Hubs gets home later so I hope I can do Aina make at least!
3 件のコメント:
When you get a job, definitely treat yourself to a hair salon trip! It'll be something to motivate you for getting a job :3 It's so difficult to find work for real. Wishing you the best!
Are there job centers in your area that can help place you? When I was in the US I ended up with Vocational Rehabilitation Services to help me find a job. Of course, this was when COVID struck so even they struggled to help, but now should be better. Maybe look to see if something like that is an option? They'll have more connections!
@Sparklewolfie Thank you.
Sad part is I've been to a temp agency and I'm currently going through a state provided office now but still nothing...I'm wondering if it's just me lol
Oh no! Job market sure is tough. Do they help you with writing resumes and such? My job coach said that part was very important, as well as cover letters.
Don't give up! I believe in you~~ It may take a while but I'm sure you'll find a position