Eat at Wienerschnitzel!
I have unfortunately never eaten there before since we didn't have them on the East Coast. But omg it was actually pretty good. Hubs and I shared a 2 chili cheese dog combo with chili cheese fries and a drink. He also went and got two cans of their chili w
After we were done, we hopped over next door to Gamestop (of course) and he ended up picking out Final Fantasy Type-0 since neither of us had played it. I prob will just watch him play cause I know a bit about the story and it's def not my type of game.
(I'm still trying to get through 15 since I know how it ends. . .)
Then we headed over to Sam's and start our actual shopping and we found this! It's actually really good. And it somehow has actual bread flavor??? I don't know how they do some of these. I'm so confused but it tastes so good w
After that we went to gamble a little bit (there were casinos nearby) and went home. I was so mad there was still snow in the mountains we passed by XD
Took a pic in the casino bathroom of course XD |
Oh and this was my outfit for the day! I was really proud of my whole look. I think I'm reaching peak oldschool. I need to find more goodies w (Don't tell hubs XD)
That's all for now!
4 件のコメント:
You look so cute!!! The hair was so fancy-looking too~~
Those chips look interesting :o I'd try them!
@Sparklewolfie Thank you so much! And yes you should. They're pretty good!
This look is *chef's kiss* d(´ ε ` )♡ Love the skirt and coat together omgggg ♥ You really own the old school look girlfriend~ And I'm so jelly over those chips lol Why can't we have that at costco lolol I'm not a sam's member xD (also forgive me I'm catching up on my reading so I'm ssoooo late lol)
- Amiman♥
@黒い Amiman Thank you so much!!! ♥ I know right?! I never had been able to go to Sam's till now cause for some reason Costco and BJs are not really around here??? (and no worries XD)