It was pretty nice. It was very crowded though. It took us a while to get through the spot to pay. But with it being so cold, I was just grateful from never having to leave the car w
I know I promised a lot of pics but my phone is poop especially for night
photos. . .aaaaaaaand not to mention that Hubs forgot his phone at home
these are the few photos I could get that weren't lookin' like light shows in
space w
Then after we went to Denny's. I got breakfast of course w
It was fun even though my photos were mostly crap. But at least I felt cute!
Yes I dressed up oldschool. Was pretty proud of my CO*DE. Hoping to do more fun looks soon!
I think we might be going to see more lights in a different location this weekend but I'm not sure. I'll make sure to remind Hubs to bring his phone so I can use the camera Ww
3 件のコメント:
You look absolutely adorable honeybun! I'm digging that hairstyle and those shoes on you~ And omgg the Jack and Sally setup!! (μ‿μ) ❤ so cuuuute~
- Amiman♥
The lights are super cute and so are you! Xo
@黒い Amiman Thank you so much!!!! ♥ Yeah, isn't it awesome?! I was expecting more oldschool Christmas stuff but it was nice to see something like that!
@Amyh Swan Thank you so much!♥