It's not a very big place but it's a really fun stop if you're touristing around Arizona. Check out this link if you wanna' learn a bit more about it.
I actually like the area a lot for its Americana history (COLU photoshoots anyone?) and the fact that it's one of the inspos for the movie Cars. There are even old vehicles and setups to look like you're in the movie.
One place that we like to eat at that has been there for forever is called Snow Cap. The staff is always friendly and very interactive with guests. I always look forward to going here for food and ice cream.
(Their banana shakes are perf!)
Really embracing my inner Aina w |
I didn't take a lot of pics this time since it was really hot that day! I decided to dress up but in a co*de appropriate for the heat (which somehow turned to a heavy but quick rain).
We didn't have an umbrella so we took refuge in some of the stores while shopping. He ended up finding a book and a pocket tool with his name on it w I didn't get anything amazingly. But I was really happy just to be out with my Hunni.
4 件のコメント:
Your outfit looks so summer!
The Cars setup also looks fun. Sounds like you had a great day!!
@Sparklewolfie Thank you!!! Yeah it's pretty cute~ And it was a nice day!♥
Aaaah I love this outfit sm!!! Esp the way you layered your top with the leopard print beneath it <333
@Lizzie Bee Thank you so much! ♥