Why does the beginning of summer always bring rain and
thunderstorms?It's storming here at the moment and I already miss the sun. But at least
it's cooling the temp down a good amount.
Also...Is it just me or has life been in a rut lately?
Normally, I can
think of a million things to write but at the moment...nothing is coming to
me. I haven't seen many posts from other bloggers either, lately. Reading
other blogs actually gives me a lot of inspo.

Maybe I need some ideas for posts! Are there any kind of blog posts you
would like to see on here? Things that you haven't seen on here yet maybe? The
Q&A was really fun and I'm so happy I got a bunch of questions! So I'm hoping I can get some responses from you buns again!
4 件のコメント:
Honestly I rarely have ideas for blog posts XD I've always been impressed that you have so many things to write about!!
For me, I enjoy reading about how people modify magazine hair/make tutorials to fit their own face or hair type, and seeing how inspiration pics translate into real life outfits. I'm not sure if that's a lot of work or if it's even popular with others though! It's just what I like to read :D
I agree with what sparklewolfie said! I love seeing people try out new makeup styles or just straight up diary posts example would be what Georgie posts :D
Awww thank you! ♥
oooo that's actually a great idea! I should try to do that especially since I have a good variety of different magazines!
Yeah! I love that idea! Also I may not have the most busy life right now but I can def do some simple diary posts! I'll give it a shot starting tomorrow!♥