Recently, I've been digging through all of my gal magazines for Amekaji inspo. I came across the May 2011 issue of EGG and needless to say, I have unknowingly always been a fan of Kanako.
I just noticed that A LOT of the issues I own have her in it. What can I say? She's adorable and I love her in all of the styles she's done!

Here are some of my favorite inspo pics for Amekaji and more. So feel free to have a look around to see what inspires you!
I actually think it was seeing Kanako with platform sneakers that made me hunt for a pair years ago. I managed to find a pink pair and they were great. I kinda miss them...
I really want cute and ruffly skirts now ;_;
These layered, off the shoulder tops mixed with flare style jeans were always goals for me. TBH, this style is one of my favorites that gal had. These gals also make me wish my hair grew faster XD
OTK boots and shorts? Yes, please.
I would actually love to do this kind of split hair color.
That's a very cute way to use a blouse!
Also loving that splash of pink!
Stars are my weakness. I would love to find this cardigan too~
This is also another favorite look of mine! Those hats! I want a collection of them~
These are perfect looks.
These nails are actually really cute. I love how the colors work together.
Such cute styles for cooler weather. I wish NY didn't go from summer to winter so fast...but it might be different in AZ!
The bright color blocks are so eyecatching!
The only way I would wear leggings outside. Under a long shirt or skirt!
The hair!
This is a super cute look!
So glad to have that inner yellow top~!
Remember when graphic stockings were in?
I actually need to try this. I have similar pieces.
This issue also had a mini "revival" of Manba~
And oh man..that red dress on the bottom right. Every time I see it, I cry... $$$$
And oh man..that red dress on the bottom right. Every time I see it, I cry... $$$$
Why is she so damn cute?
Best era of Liz Lisa IMO.
I am half tempted to get these colors for my hair.
For a few issues during this era of gal, JK gals were super popular!
Super cute!
I love that denim co*de on the right~
Absolutely gorgeous!
So what did you all think? Got any good inspo?
10 件のコメント:
I used to love Manya and Yumachi looks so much during that era! They two and Yunchan were my top inspiration when I started Gyaru. And that ganguro spread! OMG This is an iconic number. Thank you for sharing the scans!♡
Kanako is one of my recent inspos too! she makes everything look cool and gal even if its super androgynous !!
all of this looks perf of courseT___T
i rely miss this era tho i wish more ppl will dress like that
Ahhh I love Kanako too! Egg magazine has always been my fave magazine. I totally wanna do split hair too :c I love the caramel blonde style they all had. I love the maxi skirts and dresses where it's loads of different prints. 2010 gyaru is perf <3
You're very welcome!♥ Yesssss Yun is one of my favorites~ She's my go to for D.I.A. ideas~
Right?! She's just amazing♥
Me too! It's my goal to one day!
Most of my magazine collection is EGG♥ So if everyone wants to, I eventually plan to share a good amount of them!
Yesssss~ my #1 fave gal era~
So cute! Thank you for this post^^ I just pinned and saved a lot of thoseXD
You're welcome! I'm glad you like them~